Cybersecurity Center

The Cybersecurity Associate of Applied Science degree will equip students with knowledge, skills, and abilities to succeed in further academic endeavors or direct employment in the field of cybersecurity. Major areas of study include security fundamentals, operating systems, scripting, digital forensics, cyber operations, cloud computing, and network defense. The courses in this degree provide students a hands-on approach to develop and implement appropriate cybersecurity skills and abilities.

What is the Cochise College Cybersecurity Center?

The Cochise College Cybersecurity Center serves as a starting point in exploring cybersecurity activities and educational opportunities at Cochise College. The Cochise College Cybersecurity Instructor, Dave Dolifka, is the primary contact for information regarding the Center.

Cochise Cyber provides cyber defense education activities for Cochise County and surrounding areas. The primary function is to train and expand the knowledge of students in K-12 and at the Community College Level.


National Centers of Academic Excellence

Cochise College’s Cybersecurity – Associate of Applied Science program has been validated by the National Security Agency and is valid through the academic year 2027.



The Cochise Cybersecurity program provides an environment for training and competition for high school and middle school students involved with CyberPatriot, a National Youth Cyber Defense Competition held annually.

College / University

The Cochise Cybersecurity program helps to cement classroom skills through: mentorship, competition, and practical applications.

Cochise Outreach

The Cochise College Cybersecurity program has hosted the President’s Cup for the last five years. This cyber defense competition was traditionally open to middle and high school competitors of the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition CyberPatriot. Still, this year’s 2022 competition will host the first colligate invitational.

Click here for Upcoming Events for more information about our Cybersecurity events.

Contact Information

Director, CIS/Cybersecurity Program
Dan Guilmette | (520) 452-2633

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