Sierra Vista Clubs
American Sign Language (ASL) Club
The American Sign Language Club, or ASL Club, is a student club whose mission is to
bridge the gap between the hearing and Deaf communities in Cochise County. We provide
accessible activities (interpreted) for the Deaf and opportunities for ASL students
to improve their skills by socializing with the Deaf. For more information, contact
the club advisor listed below.
Jesse Smith
The Art Club
The art club (TAC) explores and celebrates art in all of its diverse expressions and
aspects, and makes the college and the surrounding community a more beautiful and
creative place. For more information, contact the club advisor listed below.
JenMarie Zeleznak | (520) 515-5479.
Multi-Business Club
The Multi-Business Club is focused on increasing members' knowledge of entrepreneurial opportunities and career-building skills such as interviews and resume writing. We also plan to organize and provide workshops and information for all students to help them thrive and succeed after college. If you are interested in being a club advisor, please contact the Student Government at This club is paused as it is seeking a club advisor.
NAMI on Campus at Cochise College
NAMI on Campus at Cochise College recognized the key concepts of recovery, resiliency, and support are essential to improving the wellness and quality of life of all persons affected by mental illness. Mental illness should not be an obstacle to a full and meaningful life for persons who live with them. This club is a safe place to talk and learn about mental illness. Club Officers and Members are students and not licensed counselors. If you need professional help, you can be referred by NAMI on Campus to an external resource. If you are interested in being a club advisor, please contact the Student Government at This club is paused as it is seeking a club advisor.
PTK - Alpha Mu Zeta Club
Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society for two-year college students. Membership
is based primarily on academic achievement. Membership entitles students to numerous
opportunities for service, leadership, scholarship and fellowship. The basic foundation
for International Membership is: have a 3.5 grade point average (maintenance GPA is
determined by individual chapter) have completed 12 credit hours of college level
work adhere to the moral standards of the society. Visit Phi Theta Kappa International
for more information, or email us at Feel free to contact one of our advisors:
Tetima Parnprome | (520) 515-538
Megan Cleary | (520) 515-3697
*For students who want to join but are a little shy of the GPA goal, contact the chapter
of your choice and seek their mentoring guidance.
SkillsUSA Welding Club
SkillsUSA Welding is the national organization for students in trade, industrial,
technical, and health occupation programs in public high schools, vocational schools,
junior colleges and community colleges. SkillsUSA Welding offers leadership, citizenship
and character development program to complement the vocational student’s skill training.
This program helps students to better prepare themselves for the labor market. The
club emphasizes respect for the dignity of work, high standards in trade ethics, workmanship,
scholarship and safety. For more information, contact our faculty advisor.
Scott Brown | (520) 515-5460.
Strong Oak Historical Studies Club
The Society for Creative Anachronism is an international organization dedicated to
researching and re-creating the history of the European Middle Ages. The club selectively
recreates medieval culture. Members design and build costumes, make armor, weapons,
and shields, and learn how it feels to dress in medieval attire. This club is associated
with the Barony March of Mons Tonitrus. The club meets in Sierra Vista, but membership
is open to all Cochise College students. For more information contact the club advisor
listed below. Facebook | Twitter: @BMMTOfficial |
Jeni Patton | (520) 515-5328.
Tabletop Games Club
The The Tabletop Games Club promotes socialization and sportsmanship through the playing
of non-electronic games. Board games, card games, and miniatures-based war games are
all under the scope of the organization. For more information, contact our club advisor.
Patrick Jones | (520) 515-5341
Undergraduate Science Research Club
The Undergraduate Research Club will help to expand knowledge of local, national and
global scientific endeavors by providing undergraduate research opportunities for
students of Cochise College Douglas Campus. The club members will also gain experience
presenting research they have been involved with to the public. For more information,
contact one of our faculty advisors.
Steven Merkley | (520) 515-3632
Frank Emanuele | (520) 515-4506
Kari Durham | (520) 515-5436
Facebook | Instagram: @cochisecollegeresearchclub